The application of smart specialisation using the method of benchmarking on the example of the Podkarpacie and Malopolskie Voivodeships


  • Michał Kościółek Politechnika Rzeszowska
  • Jacek Strojny



development, the region, benchmarking, management, local self-government units


The variation in the socio-economic development of individual regions is one of the biggest challenges facing all economies. Examining the scope of these differences and identifying opportunities to reduce them is one of the key challenges of any economy. The method allowing for the identification of entities that should be used as an example, is the method of benchmarking. It has been described in the article on the example of local government units with reference to smart specialisation, which is described in European documents as one possibility to address market fragmentation. The article selected indicators related to research and development and innovation activities. They had to identify the potential in this field, and show the trends for the future. The analysis was conducted on the example of the Malopolskie and Podkarpackie voivodeships. This area is characterised by differences in development. This is an interesting example for testing. The analysis showed that in the Malopolskie voivodeship more resources are allocated to research and development and innovation activities, which can bring benefits in future periods. These benefits may include faster development and the better competitive position of local self-government units in the entire country.

Author Biographies

Michał Kościółek, Politechnika Rzeszowska

Michał Kościółek, graduated from the Faculty of Economics and International Relations Higher educationin 2012 at the Rzeszow University of Technology as an assistant in the Departmentof Economics, led by Professor Stanisław Gędek. The main research interests of theauthor is primarily macroeconomics, labor market functioning and analysis of localand regional markets.

Jacek Strojny

Jacek Strojny, economist, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics, Facultyof Management, Rzeszow University of Technology, The Deans Plenipotentiary forDevelopment and Commercialization. He specializes in methods and techniques implementationin companies and public administration institutions on the strategic andoperational level. The author of several dozen publications related to entrepreneurship,innovations, local and regional development and project management as well. He wasa coordinator of many innovative implementation projects in companies and publicinstitutions. He is the author of strategic documents prepared on the municipalityand district level.


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How to Cite

Kościółek, M., & Strojny, J. (2015). The application of smart specialisation using the method of benchmarking on the example of the Podkarpacie and Malopolskie Voivodeships. Entrepreneurship – Education, 11, 128–139.

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