Regional labour market – the analysis of the situation of young people in Eastern Poland


  • Jacek Strojny Politechnika Rzeszowska
  • Dawid Karaś



benchmarking, Eastern Poland, entrepreneurship, strategic analysis, the labor market


This article presents an analysis of the situation on the labour market of young people in Eastern Poland, which is a region requiring the particular attention of regional policy, and specific actions that will allow making up developmental delays. The aim of this study is to assess the situation of youngpeople and their employability in this region. Firstly, it describes the situation on the labour market inPoland and the factors influencing the formation of the current state of the economy. Successively, theauthors emphasise that, in order to overcome the problem of unemployment, it is necessary to havethe cooperation of all the participants in the labour market. The next section of the paper describesthe principles on which the labour market operates, provides the breakdown of the market chosen bythe authors, and the impact of entrepreneurship on the development of the situation of unemployed persons. Also justified for coverage by the study is the situation on the labour market of young people,who require special treatment due to necessity of paving their start in socio-economic life. Next, thestate of the Polish economy in Eastern Europe has been described, as well as the research methodsused in the analysis. The indicators selected for testing by the authors have been presented, and their selection justified. Based on the analysis, several basic conclusions have been drawn, which concern:(1) the situation on the labour market of people under 30 in Eastern Poland, (2) the identification ofthe best region from the point of view of the situation of young people on the labour market, (3) theeffectiveness of past and present regional strategies, and finally (4) the influence of migration on thelevel of unemployed young people in the analysed voivodeships.

Author Biographies

Jacek Strojny, Politechnika Rzeszowska

Jacek Strojny, economist, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics, Faculty of Management,Rzeszow University of Technology, The Deans Plenipotentiary for Developmentand Commercialization. He specializes in methods and techniques implementation incompanies and public administration institutions on the strategic and operational level.The author of several dozen publications related to entrepreneurship, innovations, localand regional development and project management as well. He was a coordinator of manyinnovative implementation projects in companies and public institutions. He is the authorof strategic documents prepared on the municipality and district level.

Dawid Karaś

Dawid Karaś, student of Rzeszow University of Technology at the Faculty of Management. Chairmanof the scientific circle Ekobiznes and activist in the international student organizationAIESEC. Interests’s turn to the motivation, project management, entrepreneurship, personaldevelopment and activation of the unemployed


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How to Cite

Strojny, J., & Karaś, D. (2015). Regional labour market – the analysis of the situation of young people in Eastern Poland. Entrepreneurship – Education, 11, 98–110.

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