Entrepreneurship in Eastern Poland – the evaluation of development potential using comparative analysis


  • Jacek Strojny Politechnika Rzeszowska
  • Michał Kościółek Politechnika Rzeszowska




benchmarking, development potential, Eastern Poland, entrepreneurship


Changing conditions of the operation of economic systems increase the pressure on the effective management of their developmental process. This applies to both the strategic and operational managementlevel. The basis for decision-making is access to appropriately prepared management information, allowing for the correct determination of objectives and the assessment of the degree oftheir implementation. The aim of the article is to present a model description of entrepreneurship asone of the dimensions of strategic analysis relating to the potential of the economic system. It also explains the structure of the model and interdependencies between the individual elements thereof.Presented additionally is an example of the analysis of entrepreneurship comparing the regions ofEastern Poland. The measurement indicated above is described in the article from the perspective of the more complexelements of development potential, covering the potential of the economy, society and the environment.A method has been proposed for measuring enterprise level using selected measures basedon statistics from the Central Statistical Office. These were used in the comparative analysis, thusemploying the idea of benchmarking. This makes it possible to determine how the given dimensionis a strong or weak side of the system.The analysis was carried out using the example of the voivodeships belonging to so-called Eastern Poland. This area is characterised by territorial and developmental suburbanness. Owing to this, itconstitutes an interesting example for the analysis of developmental processes. The situation of thevoivodships has been presented against the background of the other regions in the country. Particularattention, however, has been paid to their situation in the context of the potential of the Mazovian, Malopolskie and Pomorskie voivodeships. These are regions in which relatively vibrant Metropolitansystems operate, significantly affecting the mobile elements of the potential of Eastern Poland,in particular, human and investment capital.

Author Biographies

Jacek Strojny, Politechnika Rzeszowska

Jacek Strojny, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics, Faculty of Management,Rzeszow University of Technology, The Deans Plenipotentiary for Developmentand Commercialization. He specializes in methods and techniques implementationin companies and public administration institutions on the strategic and operationallevel. The author of several dozen publications related to entrepreneurship, innovations,local and regional development and project management as well. He wasa coordinator of many innovative implementation projects in companies and publicinstitutions. He is the author of strategic documents prepared on the municipality anddistrict level.

Michał Kościółek, Politechnika Rzeszowska

Michał Kościółek, graduated from the Faculty of Economics and International Relations Higher educationin 2012 at the Rzeszow University of Technology as an assistant in the Departmentof Economics, led by Professor Stanisław Gędek. The main research interestsof the author is primarily macroeconomics, labor market functioning and analysisof local and regional markets.


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How to Cite

Strojny, J., & Kościółek, M. (2015). Entrepreneurship in Eastern Poland – the evaluation of development potential using comparative analysis. Entrepreneurship – Education, 11, 64–81. https://doi.org/10.24917/20833296.11.5

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