Entrepreneurship and innovation in the management of development of local government units
development, entrepreneurship, innovation, local government, operational management, strategic managementAbstract
The article attempts to identify the areas of entrepreneurship and innovation in the management of development of the local government units. Entrepreneurship is generally perceived as doing business, and notably as seizing various opportunities. Innovation, in turn, is an ability to create and implement various innovations such as internal changes and market changes.Both, entrepreneurship and innovation are analysed in this article from the perspective of local gov-ernment development. The attention is drawn to the possibilities of creating the above mentioned phenomena by operational and strategic management processes. In the first of these levels, entrepre-neurship and innovation may be understood as the parameters of public administration institutions. The institutions characterized by this type of phenomena can improve effectiveness in creating de-velopment processes, which can be observed in different areas of socio-economic life and in the potential entrepreneurial and innovation development. The authors try to order the issues specified in the analysis, and describe connections between them
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