Creating entrepreneurial behavior in the management of the project team on the example of a university


  • Małgorzata Baran Collegium Civitas, Warszawa
  • Monika Kłos Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Pile
  • Jacek Strojny Politechnika Rzeszowska



competence of project, entrepreneurial attitudes, maturity of project, management of the project team


In this paper the authors present an analysis of project competences as stimuli of effective project management. However, they find that the introduction of a project orientation can be considered as one of the examples of entrepreneurship. It can be also used to create entrepreneurial behavior within a company, simultaneously promoting the building of organizational culture that support making changes, even those innovative. Using the potential of entrepreneurs can be succeed by project activities. As a matter of fact, they need to be supported by certain parameters (attributes) of the enterprise. Further, it is worth to emphasize that the project management orientation is the kind of management, which creates business environment. It includes both a number of motivation factors, but it has also a system nature, providing the appropriate management techniques and even the computer software instruments. The aim of the analysis conducted in this paper is to study the orientation level (maturity) project conducted in one of the Warsaw's universities using the methodology Pro-Five. Due to the subject matter of the article one of the five dimensions of analysis, so the management of the project team. Others include design culture, strategic management, project management, and comprehensive approach to project management. The selected dimension examines five specific parameters: competence development project, a project manager, a project team, communication of a team and motivation of a design. It is their analysis that forms the basis for assessment of the potential creation of entrepreneurial behavior in schools with guidance through the implementation of a project.

Author Biographies

Małgorzata Baran, Collegium Civitas, Warszawa

Małgorzata Baran, PhD an economist, the vice-rector for strategic development of the Collegium Civitas. The author of many scientific publications and research reports in the area of clusters, enterprise management, knowledge and innovation, project management and age management. A specialist in the field of EU funds and project management. An expert appointed by the Minister for Regional Development to assess projects from EU funds, the accredited trainer on European funds since

Monika Kłos, Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Pile

Monika Kłos, an economist, Agent Rector for Strategy in Piła Academy of Business, a doctor of economic sciences in management science. Monika Kłos is the author of scientific publications in the field of outsourcing, human resource management (mainly in talent management and the generations), project management. A trainer and project coordinator of the European funds. A member of the team for development and implementation of corporate restructuring projects, Change Management Center at WSB in Pila.

Jacek Strojny, Politechnika Rzeszowska

Jacek Strojny, PhD, an assistant professor in the Department of Economics, the Faculty of Management in the Rzeszow University of Technology, The plenipotentiary of the dean for development and commercialization. Jacek Strojny specializes in the implementation of methods and techniques in companies and public administration institutions on the strategic and operational level. The author of several dozen publications related to entrepreneurship, innovations, local and regional development as well as project management. He was a coordinator of many innovative implementation projects in companies and public institutions. He is the author of strategic documents prepared on the municipality and district level.


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How to Cite

Baran, M., Kłos, M., & Strojny, J. (2014). Creating entrepreneurial behavior in the management of the project team on the example of a university. Entrepreneurship – Education, 10, 120–134.

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