Conditions and Opportunities for Selected Forms of Tourism in the Sinai Peninsula


  • Kamila Ziółkowska-Weiss Pedagogical University of Krakow Institute of Geography Department of Tourism and Regional Studies
  • Iwona Wszołek



Egypt, Red Sea, tourism, Sinai


The aim of this article is to present the Sinai Peninsula as a place for opportunities for selected forms of tourism with a particular emphasis on religious, qualified (active), nature, leisure and business tourism. In order to achieve this aim, a literature review, a comparative analysis, a SWOT analysis and

the construction of a model by the authors were used to illustrate the links between the various forms of tourism in the Sinai Peninsula. The research indicated which elements of the SWOT analysis are most important for the development of tourism and what links exist between the various forms of tourism in the area. The authors found that there are no common elements between religious and business tourism, while for other cases connections can be found each time. Particular attention was paid to leisure tourism, qualified tourism and nature tourism, as they are strongly linked and  correlate with each other. Although nature tourism had the lowest frequency on the basis of the survey, it was found to be distinguished by the multiplicity of locations, as well as diversity in terms of terrain and the uniqueness of rock formations on a global scale.

Author Biographies

Kamila Ziółkowska-Weiss, Pedagogical University of Krakow Institute of Geography Department of Tourism and Regional Studies

Kamila Ziółkowska‑Weiss, PhD/adjunct professor at the University of the National Education Commission, Krakow. She studied law and cultural studies at the Jagiellonian University with a specialization in Mediterranean studies, and is also a graduate of geography with basics of entrepreneurship at the Pedagogical University of Kraków. She completed postgraduate studies in international tourism management at Kraków University of Economics. In 2015, she defended her doctoral thesis with distinction, thus obtaining the title of Doctor of Earth Sciences. From 2012 to 2023, she worked in the Department of Tourism and Regional Research at the University of the National Education Commission in Kraków. Since 2023, she has worked in the Department of Social and Economic Geography where her teaching includes “Tourism in the United States of America” and “Tourism in the Mediterranean Basin”. Author of dozens of academic publications, her main interests are the Polish community in North and South America, cultural tourism and national minorities in Poland and North America.

Iwona Wszołek

Iwona Wszołek, graduate of Tourism and Recreation at the University of the National Education Commission  in Krakow


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How to Cite

Ziółkowska-Weiss, K., & Wszołek, I. (2024). Conditions and Opportunities for Selected Forms of Tourism in the Sinai Peninsula. Entrepreneurship – Education, 20(1), 197–212.

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