Assessment of the impact of terrorism on tourism in the 21st century: the example of Egypt


  • Kamila Ziółkowska-Weiss Pedagogical University of Krakow Institute of Geography Department of Tourism and Regional Studies
  • Emilia Pieron Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie



Arab countries, Egypt, terrorism, tourism


The article aims to analyse the impact of terrorism in Egypt on its tourism sector. To investigate the topic and obtain an answer to the research thesis that terrorism threat affects the level of tourism in Egypt, a literature review was used, and research was carried out in the form of an online questionnaire. The concept of terrorism is defined, and its types, causes and characteristics are shown through specific examples. The research has shown that terrorist threats perceived by tourists have a significant impact on their decisions when choosing a tourist destination. It shows that 36% of the respondents checked the current political situation of the chosen destination long before the planned departure, and 55% did it shortly before leaving.

Author Biographies

Kamila Ziółkowska-Weiss, Pedagogical University of Krakow Institute of Geography Department of Tourism and Regional Studies

Kamila Ziółkowska-Weiss, PhD, Pedagogical University of Krakow, Institute of Geography, Department of Tourism and Regional Research. She studied law and cultural studies at the Jagiellonian University – specialising in Mediterranean studies. She is also a geography graduate with the basics of entrepreneurship at the Pedagogical University of Krakow. She completed post-graduate studies at Cracow University of Economics in the field of international tourism management. In 2015, she defended her doctoral thesis with honours, thus obtaining a PhD in Earth Sciences. Since 2012, she has been working in the Department of Tourism and Regional Research of the Pedagogical University of Krakow, teaching, among others, “Tourism in the United States of America”. Active tour leader. Author of several dozen academic publications. The main academic interests are the Polish community in North and South America, cultural tourism and national minorities in Poland and North America.

Emilia Pieron, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie

Emilia Pieron, BA, Pedagogical University of Krakow, Institute of Geography, Department of Tourism and Regional Research. She received a bachelor’s degree from the Pedagogical University of Krakow. Currently, she is a graduate student at the above-mentioned university, continuing education in the field of Tourism and Recreation. She managed to obtain a postgraduate diploma in
the field of Preparation for the teaching profession, which will allow her to work with young people and transfer the professional knowledge gained during five-year studies. In addition, she is a horse riding instructor and she is interested in the culture of the Middle East.


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How to Cite

Ziółkowska-Weiss, K., & Pieron, E. . (2021). Assessment of the impact of terrorism on tourism in the 21st century: the example of Egypt. Entrepreneurship – Education, 17(1), 244–256.

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