Basics of Entrepreneurship in the eyes of upper secondary school students. Useful in life or a necessity to learn?


  • Kamila Ziółkowska-Weiss Pedagogical University of Cracow, Institute of Geography



market economy, school reform, school, social-economic environment


The Basics of Entrepreneurship is a subject, which helps the young people to understand the mechanisms according to which market economy functions, prepares them to plan their future professional careers, shapes their competences in efficient communication and prepares them to design andrealize their undertakings in the surrounding environment.This article is to present the views of the youth upon several issues connected with realizing the curriculumof 'The Basics of Entrepreneurship' in secondary schools. The article will include resultsof research conducted in March 2013 on the 1st and 3rd grade upper secondary school studentsof a comprehensive school in Andrychow. The research was carried out to analyze the aims, tasks andcontent of education of the Basics of Entrepreneurship subject. The main goal of the research was todetermine the opinion of students on the usefulness of particular topics in the adult life and whichareas of the subject seem the most interesting to them. The analysis of the responses allowed to show how diversified the expectations and interests of the 1st grade students are, and how different theseare from the ones of the 3rd grade student. The students were asked, among others, if the contentpresented during classes helped them to prepare themselves for their adult lives in the social-economic environment, as well as which topics in their opinion received too much or too little attention.

Author Biography

Kamila Ziółkowska-Weiss, Pedagogical University of Cracow, Institute of Geography

Kamila Ziółkowska-Weiss, BA, a graduate of culture studies at the Jagiellonian University and of Geographyat the Pedagogical University of Cracow.The author has graduated from the postgraduate studies in international tourismmanagement at the Cracow University of Economics. Since 2011, shehas been a doctoral student of Geography at the Pedagogical University. Since2012, she has been a research worker, acting as an assistant in the departmentof Tourism and Regional Studies at the Pedagogical University of Cracow.She is an active tourist guide. The author of several academic publications.Her main academic interests are in cultural tourism and ethnic groups inMałopolska.


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How to Cite

Ziółkowska-Weiss, K. (2014). Basics of Entrepreneurship in the eyes of upper secondary school students. Useful in life or a necessity to learn?. Entrepreneurship – Education, 10, 366–377.

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