Incentive trips and entrepreneurship development in a company based on the example of German and Spanish employees


  • Kamila Ziółkowska-Weiss Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie Instytut Geografii



podróże motywacyjne, przedsiębiorczość, firmy


The aim of this article is to verify a hypothesis stating that incentive trips are the best mean to raise efficiency and productivity of employees, and it is the most effective method to integrate a team of employees in a given company. This kind of trips is one of the best ways to boost effectiveness of the employees, which leads to profits increase of the company. This paper defines the goals, tasks and profits of the company, which are defined and delivered after the incentive trip. The data presented includes the outcomes of surveys that have been conducted in Spanish and German groups that took part in a motivational and incentive trip. It is worth noting that the presented results will concern both the management team and the employees of a lower level, which will enable to compare and analyse each employee's expectations towards their company. Finally, the article proves that incentive trips are one of the ways to additionally reward employees for their efforts and are also a way to encourage them to perform more effectively in their job, which in turn influence the entrepreneurship development in the company. The trips help to build a bond between an employee and his company, and additionally, such trips positively influence the employee's self-esteem, motivating him to be more active in his work.


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How to Cite

Ziółkowska-Weiss, K. (2012). Incentive trips and entrepreneurship development in a company based on the example of German and Spanish employees. Entrepreneurship – Education, 8, 396–403.

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