Regression or Development of the Local Commercial and Service Activities in the Oldest Part of Nowa Huta?
enterprise, enterprise environment, market place, Nowa HutaAbstract
The article contains the results of the research conducted during the period of 2014 to 2016 in the Nowa Huta district, in Kraków. This area consists of 25 residential areas inhabited by almost 50 thousand people. The research concerned the functioning of commerce and services in Nowa Huta, from both the consumers’ and entrepreneurs’ point of view. During the research an interview among 2,200 consumers and 112 entrepreneurs was conducted. Also an inventory of approximately 500 unit of entrepreneurs was made. The factors which have effect on regression or development of the commerce and services in Nowa Huta were identified. These factors were divided into two groups: the first group was based on the demographical and social conditions, the second group was based on the market surroundings when it comes to both the micro and macro economical point of view. The results of the survey stated an important influence of the local aging society and its financial state, when it concerns preferences for places of purchasing. At the beginning of the transformation a lot of shops of elevated quality and services in Nowa Huta disappeared or changed their type of activities. The additional factor of this regression was the consequence of investments of foreign capital observed through the emergence of hyperand supermarkets, discount stores, pharmacies, banks and selling points for phone services. These types of activities, according to the survey, caused the crisis of local businesses. This tendency appears not to affect the two big marketplaces - Bieńczycki Market Place (Bieńczycki Plac Targowy) and Trade Centre “Tomex” (CH „Tomex”) which are traditionally connected to Nowa Huta. These are places not only meant for purchasing goods but also for social meeting especially among the elder inhabitants.
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