Conditions for Enterprise Development in Small Car Workshops


  • Jerzy Janczewski Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodzi, Katedra Systemów Transportowych



przedsiębiorczość, warsztaty, samochodowe


The most important organizational and technical conditions for the development of the enterprise in small car workshops are presented in the report. Small workshops belong to the numerous group of small enterprises. In the literature of SMEs they are called the „smithy of the entrepreneurship” and make up their synonym. Small workshops are already considerably rooted in the environment of the market economy. Some of them were founded in the times of PRL, and possessed rich experiences. They have learned to perfectly minimalize the costs of their businesses.  After the access to EU favorable conditions for the development of the enterprise in small car workshops exist in Poland. They are the effect of the demand for used cars from western EU that liberated competitiveness in the auto industry. Numerous conditions are results of weak management and equipment - they are the barriers to technical and financial opportunities. Generally the small workshops apply passive strategies directed to the survival.


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Polska Izba Motoryzacji:



How to Cite

Janczewski, J. (2007). Conditions for Enterprise Development in Small Car Workshops. Entrepreneurship – Education, 3, 260–269.

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