Technopoles as Places of the Location of IT Corporations
corporation, IT corporation, location, technopoleAbstract
New conditions of activity of companies in the global economy have contributed to the intensification of the processes of establishing international enterprises in the form of corporations and conglomerates of many companies with varied legal and organizational status whose objective is to achieve the highest possible economic effectiveness. Decisions on their location usually depend on: strategy and organization of the corporations, their size, competitive position, degree of internationalization as well as the industry branch in which they are active. The choice of location by an international company is of great significance from the point of view of development of the given place and region. A special role in this process is played by IT corporations, which constitute a relatively new sector, especially intensely developing in the last 25 years. The areas where the headquarters of management boards and branches of IT corporations are located stand out in the space with the factors which allow development of a specific form of agglomerations, the technopolises (technopoles). In reference to these premises, the subject matter of the paper is the analysis of the factors which affect the location of IT corporations in the world space. The objective will be to find the answer to the question, in which technopolises IT corporations have located their headquarters of management boards and branch offices as well as what were the determinants of this process in the individual areas. The study covered 100 dominant IT corporations, selected from among 2,000 largest world corporations. The basic factors which affected the location of IT corporations in the technopolises are: research and development facilities, access to qualified employees, traffic connections and concentration of other enterprises of the given type of activities. Other significant factors are also: striving to enhance own competitive and monopolistic position, degree of specialization, the intellectual capital of the founders and employees which had effect on the development of new technologies (resulting, among others, from the life cycle of the product, expenditures and employment in the research and development activity, proximity of higher education facilities), reprofiling the current activities of corporations or establishing completely new ones as well as various sources of providing financial resources.
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