The accommodation sector as a factor in the development of regions in Poland


  • Krzysztof Sala Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie



accommodation, consumers, development, region


The article aims to present the meaning of the accommodation sector, and particularly of hotel management, in the development of provinces in Poland. It presents the historical development of the accommodation sector in the context of its meaning on the regional market. The paper shows the meaning of the accommodation sector as an essential and important element influencing the con-temporary situation of regions in our country, and also as a key opportunity to change the current, often disadvantageous economic situation. The paper illustrates the influence of the accommodation sector on the situation in cities and in the countryside. Tourism and its related hotel business are, increasingly more often, becoming an instrument of regional policy, activation of local societies, and the construction of the foundations of economic development. One should also add here the influence on social awareness, identification and social attitudes, sustainable development and activities in the interest of increasing the competitiveness and attractiveness of regions. The publication, presenting the data analysis of statistical and accessible materials concerning the development of the accommo-dation sector, evaluates the changes that have taken place, and also attempts to foresee the future in the face of the new economic situation. Prognoses, the character of which will, to a large degree, be dependent on the influx of foreign investments, the formation of new companies or the profitability of contracting credits. Also of significance will be the development of the economic situation both globally and in Poland, the integration of subsequent countries with the European Union, or the inflow of EU resources within the framework of regional operating programs.

Author Biography

Krzysztof Sala, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie

Krzysztof Sala, The graduate of International Economic relations at university to Economic in Cracow(Master′s studies) finished with the diploma on the basis the work ,, the Realization ofthe policy sustainable development in countries of Scandinavian′′, postgraduate studieswithin the range quality managements and with the environmental protection in theHigher School of the Management and the Banking in Cracow and the College of theManagement and Finance of the Main Commercial School in Warsaw, finished withthe obtainment of the title of the doctor of economic sciences on the basis trials ,, Newkinds of the tourism as the indication post-modernism of behaviours of consumer inPoland′′. Long experience in effect economic on different professional positions , in thispositions of manager. The experience on the job scientific-didactic gained on teachingspublic and private. The participation as the coach in trainings financed with EU withinthe framework of the program ,, The Human Capital′′ from the range concerning of thewidely understood tourism and the management. To main areas of interests numbers theeconomic policy and tourist of Poland and the European Union , the enterprise in thesector of small and average firms and the strategic management.


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How to Cite

Sala, K. (2015). The accommodation sector as a factor in the development of regions in Poland. Entrepreneurship – Education, 11, 301–313.