New professional competencies in the era of WEB 2.0 and 3.0 and the dissemination of ICT



Słowa kluczowe:

entrepreneurship, internet, personal development, social media


The purpose of this article is to identify and describe the new, yet relatively poorly known, competencies related to WEB 2.0 and 3.0 and the dynamically changing organisational environment influenced by the development of ICT. The article’s content can be used (application purpose) to draw attention to the necessity of active searching for new competency areas by trainers and teachers. To achieve this aim, two research tasks were undertaken. The first was a literature review and explanation of the concepts related to the research subject. This theoretical foundation then served as a starting point for an attempt to create a list of professions and related competencies corresponding to the needs of WEB 2.0 and 3.0. The results of this are presented in a tabular form.

Biogramy autorów

Jacek Rudewicz - Uniwersytet Szczeciński Instytut Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej

Jacek Rudewicz, PhD, University of Szczecin, Institute of Spatial Management and Socio-Economic Geography. Faculty of Finance and Management Economics. He graduated from geography with a specialisation in socio-economic geography, management and marketing, and economics. In his academic work he deals with urban studies, sustainable development, regional and local development.

Krzysztof Sala - Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland

Krzysztof Sala, PhD, Pedagogical University of Krakow. Faculty of Political Science. Institute of Law and Economics Department of Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation. Academic interests:
economic policy of Poland and European countries, social policy, environmental policy and sustainable development, tourism policy, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs in Poland and abroad, management of small and medium-sized companies.


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Jak cytować

Rudewicz, J., & Sala, K. (2021). New professional competencies in the era of WEB 2.0 and 3.0 and the dissemination of ICT. Przedsiębiorczość - Edukacja, 17(1), 19–34.

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