Basics of Entrepreneurship in the Opinion of Students and Graduates of Secondary Schools in Southern Poland
education, high school, Basics of Entrepreneurship, questionnaireAbstract
Reform of the school system currently implemented in Polish educational system brings about significant changes in the organisation, as well as in the content of Basics of Entrepreneurship. The effectiveness of changes depends not only on regulations imposed but also, to a large extent, on the way they are implemented and on the student’s motivation to pursue main points of education. On the threshold of reform, it is worth to focus on pupils’ perception of the subject. The main point is to raise the quality of education after the system changes. Authors of the article introduce the results of analysis of students’ opinion on different aspects of education in the field of entrepreneurship: pointing at the preferred methods of education, sources of knowledge, forms of work, and pointing to the most important practical abilities, moreover, measure the use of the whole subject and key-competences of the teacher. The study was conducted with the use of a diagnostic survey in 2018 on a research group of 145 students of high schools. Their results were compared with the ones from years 2004 and 2011 obtained from similar research groups. Analysis has shown that students assess numerous aspects of entrepreneurship education rather poorly.References
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