Determinants of development of the learning enterprise based on the example of SMEs sector


  • Danuta Janczewska Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości i Zarządzania w Łodzi, Katedra Marketingu



przedsiębiorstwo uczące się, MŚP


Dynamic changes of the market and broadly defined environment of the enterprise are forcing to seek out for new directions of enterprise development in the SMEs sector. One of the current methods to raise the competitive position is to enhance entrepreneurship and business activities by learning of organization. The term of learning organization or intelligent organization can be defined as a process of building comprehensive solutions in an enterprise by developing a communication and information structure as well as interactions between participants of the system. The learning organization is based on summary of knowledge coming from individual employees. It is also possible to define some characteristic features derived from specific actions within the management area. The distinctive attribute of the intelligent organization is its ability to utilize already acquired knowledge for the benefit of organization development. Due to complexity of the organizational structures, the knowledge application should concern all the structures of the enterprise. Therefore, the ability to share the acquired knowledge and experience with other employees depends on existing distribution channels of knowledge in the company. The own studies show that SMEs enterprises tend to create individual methods of building the knowledge capital by using the modern information systems.


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How to Cite

Janczewska, D. (2012). Determinants of development of the learning enterprise based on the example of SMEs sector. Entrepreneurship – Education, 8, 348–359.

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