Znaczenie stereotypów w postrzeganiu atrakcyjności Nowej Huty dla odwiedzających i mieszkańców
https://doi.org/10.24917/20833296.172.7Słowa kluczowe:
destynacja, Kraków, Nowa Huta, percepcja, wizerunekAbstrakt
The paper undertakes the broadly understood perception of tourism space. The research aim is to present the topic in the context of Nowa Huta - the youngest quarter of Krakow (Poland). Empirical data was gathered on the basis of questionnaires distributed among 400 permanent and temporal residents of Krakow and the closest neighburhood of the city. The main hypothesis is related to the existence of differences in the perception of Nowa Huta according to the place of residence of respondents. On the basis of analysis of the empirical material it was proved that the majority of respondents are familiar with the quarter. In their opinion, Nowa Huta is presented as a dangerous, grey, and scary place. Positive perception of the quarter is typical mainly its residents. The results might be used to determine the directions of the future development of Nowa Huta to improve its image and become more attractive for tourists and residents. The results also prove the relationship between the familiarity of the place and its positive perception.
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