Attitudes toward Job Market among Students of Upper Secondary Schools for Adults


  • Paweł Czapliński Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku



ponadpodstawowe, postawy, rynek pracy


This article tries to give the answers to the questions: Who are the students of upper secondary schools for adults? Why they receive education in this type of schools? What is their level of activity in the job market? What are their attitudes toward the job market? Is there any territorial diversification in the attitudes toward job market? What influence it? The  success  in  the  job market depends on  a  lot of  factors. The most  important  factor  is intellectual inborn potential and influence of environment especially schools on individual person. Schools should form the enterprise attitudes by the lessons on entrepreneurship. This type of education unfortunately doesn’t function in the job market and hasn’t got such a chance. The public feelings, mentality and positive relations between government and businessmen are the most important factors which influence activity in the job market, as research on students of upper secondary schools for adults shows. It was conducted in cities known of their entrepreneurship . Kołobrzeg, Chojnice, Starogard Gdański and Koszalin. It seems the institutional and personal models influence students and local communities. The results of research show certain regularity. The enterprised attitudes depend not only on hard economical factors but also and maybe mostly on social and psychological factors.


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How to Cite

Czapliński, P. (2006). Attitudes toward Job Market among Students of Upper Secondary Schools for Adults. Entrepreneurship – Education, 2, 236–241.

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