The Effectiveness of Special Economic Zones, Science and Technology Parks, Industrial Parks in the Light of the Demands of Companies for Human Resources on the Example of Silesian and Podkarpackie Voivodeships


  • Paweł Czapliński Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
  • Piotr Klimczak SST „Aglomeracja Rzeszowska”



specjalne strefy ekonomiczne, parki przemysłowe, parki naukowo-technologiczne, śląskie, podkarpackie


The article aims to present the result of surveys and secondary data, which were to identifythe future needs of employers and investors in the work force (specification of the necessaryqualifications and the level of previous experience) in the short term (up to 1 year) in the labormarket in the Silesian and Subcarpathian region.The study found that people entering the labor market (including students) recognize theneed for a greater adaptability to market requirements. Therefore, we may note an increasednumber of people participating in active labor market programs. Unfortunately, the total efficiencyof training in the regions concerned is not very high. Thus, vocational training mustchange its image, although sometimes this process is occurring far too slowly. The third link inthe labor market are the employers who recognize the fact that it is much cheaper to acquire anemployee with a certain level of knowledge and skills. Unfortunately, for some employers apprenticeships,young workers and the entire system of vocational education are seen as a wayto attract cheap labor. Yet the developing process of globalization, the stage of advancement ofthe socio - economic as well as the dynamics of the economy itself that stimulate the demand for skills and jobs are constantly changing. The most desirable professions in the Polish andEuropean labor market concern the services sector including, in particular trade. Other jobsare and will be linked, on the one hand, with simple operations such as cleaning and, on theother hand, with the scientific professions. Of course, the demand for certain professions willhave strong regional circumstances related to the economic base of the region as well as thedemographic structure. Hence it is difficult to make a single list of deficit jobs for Poland. It isworth noting that the market demand for certain skills and occupations is and will be unstable,so any training must take place in the system of pull (suction).


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How to Cite

Czapliński, P., & Klimczak, P. (2010). The Effectiveness of Special Economic Zones, Science and Technology Parks, Industrial Parks in the Light of the Demands of Companies for Human Resources on the Example of Silesian and Podkarpackie Voivodeships. Entrepreneurship – Education, 6, 236–251.

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