Attitudes of High School Graduates toward the Labour Market. Szczecin and Chernivtsi – Case Study


  • Paweł Czapliński Uniwersytet Szczeciński Wydział Nauk o Ziemi Katedra Badań Miast i Regionów
  • Iryna Kibych Narodowy Uniwersytet im. J. Fedkowycza w Czerniowcach Wydział Geograficzny Katedra Geografii Ekonomicznej i Zarządzania Ekologicznego



high school diploma graduates, questionnaire, Poland, labour market, Ukraine


A young person’s approach to the labour market is affected by a group of individual factors connected with their innate intellectual potential and upbringing. Also, a group of external factors connected with the socio-economic environment, such as the place of residence and school, which both play an important role, undoubtedly influences entrepreneurial behaviours. The historic and cultural factor is frequently underappreciated, whereas it may affect a person’s attitude (as well as their activity), either directly or sometimes indirectly. The aim of the article was to compare the attitudes of secondary school graduates from Szczecin and the Ukrainian city Chernivtsi towards the job market. It was assumed that the examined groups have very diversified conditions of entering, and then functioning on the job market, which are significantly different for both countries, and consequently, the opportunities to achieve professional success. The slightly different education model, including the age of secondary school graduates is also considered as significant. The main measuring tool was a survey addressed to secondary school graduates at leading secondary schools in Szczecin and Chernivtsi, which was used in a direct cross-sectional study conducted from April 2016 until May 2016. As the conducted analysis shows, there are no fundamental differences in the approach of secondary school graduates from Chernivtsi and Szczecin. Any discrepancies concern solely a scale of similar answers, which may be the result of the difference in the secondary school graduates’ age, their family models and affluence, or, most importantly, it may be affected by them living in differing environments.

Author Biographies

Paweł Czapliński, Uniwersytet Szczeciński Wydział Nauk o Ziemi Katedra Badań Miast i Regionów

Paweł Czapliński, graduate of geography of the Pomeranian Academy in Słupsk, and of management and economics of Gdańsk University of Technology. Associate professor of Earth Sciences (economic geography). In 1996–2014 assistant and associate professor in the Institute of Geography and Regional Studies Pomeranian Academy in Słupsk. Since 2014 in the Regional and Urban Studies Department, Faculty of Geosciences, University of Szczecin. Member of the editorial board of journals: Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, Entrepreneurship – Education and Scientific Journal of the Kherson State University – Geography. Author of more than seventy publications and monographs on transformation of spatial structures of industry in Northern Poland, performance and prospects of the development of the fish processing industry in Poland, entrepreneurship of young people and the elderly in rural areas and some aspects of the management and administration of local government.

Iryna Kibych, Narodowy Uniwersytet im. J. Fedkowycza w Czerniowcach Wydział Geograficzny Katedra Geografii Ekonomicznej i Zarządzania Ekologicznego

Iryna Kibych Graduate of biology of the State University of Chernivtsi. Doctor of Biological Sciences. Since 1994 assistant professor in the Economic Geography and Environmental Management Department, Faculty of Geography, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Czapliński, P., & Kibych, I. (2017). Attitudes of High School Graduates toward the Labour Market. Szczecin and Chernivtsi – Case Study. Entrepreneurship – Education, 13, 405–417.

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