Work and Enterprise in Selected Encyclicals by John Paul II


  • Tomasz Tadeusz Brzozowski Wałbrzyska Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Przedsiębiorczości, Centrum Kształcenia Ustawicznego przy Zakładzie Karnym nr 1 we Wrocławiu, Autorskie Licea Artystyczne i Akademickie ALA we Wrocławiu



praca, przedsiębiorczość, encykliki, Jan Paweł II


As we read in their introductions, papal encyclicals are documents aimed at not only the clergy, but all the faithful of Catholic Church as well as at people of goodwill. All the more, should the thoughts handed down by St Peter's successors be not only the source of information but most of all the material for in-depth analysis or commitment. It strangely happens that the nation declaring in majority its affiliation to Catholic Church, the nation being so fortunate by giving the world this great witness of God's love to man, shows hardly any interest in his teachings. We prefer to remember the Pope John Paul II as the moral and scientific authority, not knowing exactly what hidden massages are implicit in these notions, as well as worship him on posters and T-shirts. In an international competition concerning John Paul II.s teaching, it could turn out that his countrymen know very little of what he had to tell us.  The author of the article wishes to draw readers´ attention to some key elements of papal teaching, among which  the  focal points are  subjective . personal  role of man  in  the world, transcendental dimension of human being, personalistic perspective of man with his relation to work and  the  status of  the  latter, as well as  its  significance  in man´s development. Tomasz Tadeusz Brzozowski has made these issues the subject of his analysis, which has been detailed and deepened by relating them to John Paul II.s teaching expressed in his social encyclical, also provided with the author , s commentary. If the content of this article influences at least to a small extent a bit deeper reception of papal teachings, it will accomplish its aim filling its author with satisfaction.


Biblia Tysiąclecia, wyd. III popr., Pallottinum, Poznań-Warszawa 1990.

Jan Paweł II, Adhortacja apostolska Familiaris consortio o zadaniach rodziny chrześcijańskiej w .wiecie współczesnym z 22.11.1981 r., reprint Libreria editrice vaticana, TUM, Wrocław 2000.

Jan Paweł II, Centesimus annus, reprint Libreria editrice vaticana, TUM, Wrocław 2000.

Jan Paweł II, Laborem exercens, reprint Libreria editrice vaticana, TUM, Wrocław 1995.

Jan Paweł II, Sollicitudo rei socialis, reprint Libreria editrice vaticana, TUM, Wrocław 1994.

Jan Paweł II, Veritatis splendor, reprint Libreria editrice vaticana, TUM, Wrocław 1998.

Józef Majka, Katolicka nauka społeczna, wyd. II, Rzym 1987.

Karol Wojtyła, Osoba i czyn oraz inne studia antropologiczne, wyd. III, Lublin 2000.

Konstytucja dogmatyczna o Kościele. Lumen gentium [w:] Sobór Watykański II. Konstytucje, dekrety, deklaracje, wyd. II, Pallottinum, Poznań 1986, s. 105.170.

Konstytucja duszpasterska o Kościele w świecie współczesnym, Gaudium et spes [w:] Sobór Watykański II. Konstytucje, dekrety, deklaracje, wyd. II, Pallottinum, Poznań 1986, s. 537.620.

Leon XIII, Rerum novarum, reprint Libreria editrice vaticana, TUM, Wrocław 1996.

Paweł VI, Populorum progressio, reprint z wyd. Notificationes e Curia Metropolitana Cracoviensis, 1968, nr 6 i 7.

Pius XI, Quadragesimo anno 1931, tłum. ks. J. Piwowarczyk, Poznań 1935.



How to Cite

Brzozowski, T. T. (2006). Work and Enterprise in Selected Encyclicals by John Paul II. Entrepreneurship – Education, 2, 164–184.

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