Enterprise - Ambiguous or Misunderstood Concept?. Attempt of Systematize.


  • Tomasz Tadeusz Brzozowski Wałbrzyska Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Przedsiębiorczości, Centrum Kształcenia Ustawicznego przy Zakładzie Karnym nr 1 we Wrocławiu, Autorskie Licea Artystyczne i Akademickie ALA we Wrocławiu




przedsiębiorczość, terminologia, synteza


The concept of enterprise has its own settled and consolidated position in economics and other allied sciences nowadays. Without „enterprise”, one of the most important term, there is no debate in the area of economics, logistics and even politics. Accordingly it is worth to focus on the issue of enterprise and its significance. All the available literature on enterprise takes into consideration many options of the idea of enterprise. A wide range of meanings seems to set out to define enterprise more precisely. To solve that problem means to compose terminology of science, to set an interchangeable meaning for enterprise. No doubt, it will influence the term to be more expressive. The author of the article describes in outline the context of enterprise, trying to show both variance and similarity in the enterprise based on some definitions. The enterprise concept is a subject of considerable debate although the article might contribute a number of studies towards liability to have a good grasp of the meanings of enterprise.


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How to Cite

Brzozowski, T. T. (2007). Enterprise - Ambiguous or Misunderstood Concept?. Attempt of Systematize. Entrepreneurship – Education, 3, 196–203. https://doi.org/10.24917/20833296.3.25

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