The Use of Basic Internet Functions in Attracting Visitors by Operators of Polish Mountain Huts


  • Michał Żemła Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie Instytut Geografii Zakład Turystyki i Badań Regionalnych



mountain huts, mystery shopping, Polish mountains, use of Internet in market communication


Operating a mountain hut is a specific form of entrepreneurship, which is visible in plenty of issues. One is a relative difficulty with the use of new communication channels with customers. Mountain huts in Poland, often dilapidated during system changes, nowadays are forced to redefine their role on the tourism market, and to actively search for new segments of visitors. The aim of the paper is evaluation of the degree of the use of Internet in communication with potential customers by the operators of Polish mountain huts. To realize this aim, the analysis of web-pages of all Polish huts was conducted, and the questionnaires were sent to huts’ operators, as well as research with mystery shopping method was applied, which was done by sending e-mail messages to addresses presented in analyzed web-pages. The results convince that Polish mountain huts’ operators are trying to use Internet in their promotional actions, still these are chaotic, accidental and also rare actions. Almost all huts posses their web-pages, but the problem is connected with lack of foreign languages versions. Operators do not treat Internet promotion very seriously and the response rate turned out to be much lower than expected.

Author Biography

Michał Żemła, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie Instytut Geografii Zakład Turystyki i Badań Regionalnych

Michał Żemła, PhD, associate professor, Pedagogical University of Cracow, Institute of Geography, Department of Tourism and Regional Studies. He graduated at the Faculty of Organization and Management of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, he obtained his PhD at the Economic University in Katowice and habilitation at the Economic University in Wroclaw. For many years he has been working in Katowice School of Economics. His research interests are connected with tourism destinations marketing, with special regards put to mountain areas. He is an author or co-author of 3 books and almost 100 scientific papers.


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How to Cite

Żemła, M. (2016). The Use of Basic Internet Functions in Attracting Visitors by Operators of Polish Mountain Huts. Entrepreneurship – Education, 12, 274–281.