Indicator of Entrepreneurship in the Polish Territorial Units – Diversity in Time and Space


  • Jacek Sołtys Politechnika Gdańska Wydział Architektury Katedra Urbanistyki i Planowania Regionalnego
  • Sławomir Dorocki Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie, Instytut Geografii, Zakład Przedsiębiorczości i Gospodarki Przestrzennej



county, economic activity, entities of natural persons, entrepreneurship – indicator, municipality, Poland, sub-region


The subject of the article is to analyze the phenomenon of economic activity by natural persons, measured by an indicator of the number of these persons to 100 persons at working age. This indicator is sometimes called the indicator of entrepreneurship, although it only measures one of its aspects. The study was conducted on the level of sub-regions, poviats (counties) and gminas (municipalities - according to their kinds, including towns in urban-rural gminas). The objective of the study was to recognize the diversity in the examined indicator in time and space, depending on the kind of a territorial unit and the size of the town (in case of towns) as well as to obtain the answers to the following questions: Can any regularity be noticed and explained? Can the state of saturation be verified in some units? The methods of research included: statistical analysis of indicators of states and dynamics, charts, cartographic analysis, and examining the correlation of indicators of states and dynamics with each other and with the towns’ population, unemployment, GDP (subregions) and the revenue of municipalities. A large diversity of indicators and the following regularity were found: indicators in towns are generally higher than in rural areas, there is no correlation with the size of towns; the highest indicators are in metropolitan and tourist areas, the lowest - in the East of Poland. There are little regularities in the dynamics of the phenomenon. Entrepreneurship as a creation of companies rather than a factor of development is the result of development caused by other factors.

Author Biographies

Jacek Sołtys, Politechnika Gdańska Wydział Architektury Katedra Urbanistyki i Planowania Regionalnego

Jacek Sołtys, Graduated from Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture. Teaching duties (courses taught): regional planning (since 1975–2014), local planning, strategic planning, designing of tourist and recreational areas development. Research interests: methods of planning (spatial, strategic, including scenario method), sustainable development, typology of towns and regions, settlement network, regional development of peripheral areas. He has worked in numerous international and national research projects. Author of two books and more than 40 other publications. Co-author of more than 30 strategies for municipalities. Member of the European Regional Science Assotiation and Society of Polish Town Planners. Tourist guide.

Sławomir Dorocki, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie, Instytut Geografii, Zakład Przedsiębiorczości i Gospodarki Przestrzennej

Sławomir Dorocki, PhD, Pedagogical University of Cracow, Institute of Geography, Department of Entrepreneurship and Spatial Management. Graduated from the Pedagogical University in Cracow with MS degree in geography, PhD in history (Institute of European Studies of the Jagiellonian University). Assoc. professor at the Pedagogical University of Cracow, Institute of Geography. His research interests are tied with regional problems and processes of socio-economic regionalization, with particular emphasis on the diversity of Europe, processes of European integration and historical conditions.


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How to Cite

Sołtys, J., & Dorocki, S. (2016). Indicator of Entrepreneurship in the Polish Territorial Units – Diversity in Time and Space. Entrepreneurship – Education, 12, 18–35.

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