The Economic Opportunities of Poland in the Context of the New Silk Road


  • Tomasz Tadeusz Brzozowski Politechnika Wrocławska Zespół Szkół Akademickich Politechniki Wrocławskiej



investments, New Silk Road, opportunities, polish economy


The aim of the article is to draw attention to an unprecedented investment that restores the global importance of the former Silk Road and, in this connection, an indication of the economic opportunities facing the Polish economy. The decisions taken on the emergence of a  new architecture, among others. Land and air connections between Asia and Europe and the development of railways, roads, terminals and power grids are a huge global project. Poland, thanks to its huge potential and its location, faces a chance to accelerate the development of its internal infrastructure, which is ultimately a key part of the international transport route. Investments over time can bring measurable benefits not only locally but globally. The text is reflecting on the actual state of planning and logistics of our country’s preparation for these challenges. The analysis also covers the possibility and optimization of the planned modernization measures in the field of transformation or creation of railway and aviation infrastructure. Due to the momentum and the high degree of uncertainty of the idea of revitalizing the New Silk Road, many questions are raised in this text. The author is aware that the answer to most of them will come a long wait.

Author Biography

Tomasz Tadeusz Brzozowski, Politechnika Wrocławska Zespół Szkół Akademickich Politechniki Wrocławskiej

Tomasz Tadeusz Brzozowski, PhD, Institute of Cultural Studies at the University of Wroclaw; School of Academic Wroclaw University of Technology. The graduate of the faculties of Polish Philology and Philosophy at the University in Wroclaw. He has completed entrepreneurship and history as a postgraduate study. He works as a certified teacher. Currently he is a doctoral candidate on cultural studies as a part of the Department of Historical and Pedagogical Sciences at the University of Wroclaw. Cultural studies provide him with tools and competencies to analyze and understand systems of values and identity strategies in the modern world. Author of over seventy scientific articles. He is busy with ethics, ontology and transcendental philosophy as well and Polish philosophy in XIX and XX centuries. He is interested in ethics of business (Corporate Social Responsibility). Now, he prepares a second dissertation about a global processes and their influence on a quality of interpersonal and dialogical relationships. Tutor-coach and implementation supervisor of the National project “Raise a wise man. The introduction of the model educational work and rehabilitation using the method of tutoring school as a positive prevention of problems in the Polish school” (November 2016–December 2018, the project is funded by the Ministry of National Education).


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How to Cite

Brzozowski, T. T. (2018). The Economic Opportunities of Poland in the Context of the New Silk Road. Entrepreneurship – Education, 14, 150–161.

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