Tutoring as an Alternative Method of Education


  • Tomasz Tadeusz Brzozowski Politechnika Wrocławska Zespół Szkół Akademickich Politechniki Wrocławskiej




Master – disciple relationship, education system, method, tutoring


The paper focuses on attempts of implementing tutoring in the Polish education system. Tutoring as a new form of work with the student, based mainly on a symmetrical relationship between the teacher and the student, has a short record of existence in the Polish education system at the level of secondary education. Tutoring is generally seen as the idea of an alternative to traditional methods of working with students, becoming an opportunity for mutual understanding of intellectual and emotional needs of the student and the teacher. Tutoring is also a method that differs significantly from the one which is used successfully in English universities. The period of implementation of tutoring and adapting it to the specific context in Polish schools, resulted in the elaboration of the new forms, taking into account the conditions of indigenous cultural and moral factors. This innovative form of work dating back to the roots of classical model of Master-disciple relationship often faces significant barriers, especially in the nature of the system. The aim of the article is not only to identify the roots of this interesting and effective teaching methods, but present the possibilities of its implementation in the Polish education system. The author not only shows the advantages, but also highlights its shortcomings, noting the cultural and system differences between the Anglo-Saxon countries (where tutoring comes from) and a Polish model of education. In addition, the author presents the problem of the specificity of the Polish experience in the implementation of this method, its progress, innovation and positive effects of work.

Author Biography

Tomasz Tadeusz Brzozowski, Politechnika Wrocławska Zespół Szkół Akademickich Politechniki Wrocławskiej

Tomasz Tadeusz Brzozowski, PhD, Institute of Cultural Studies at the University of Wroclaw; Academic School Complex at the Wroclaw University of Technology. He has graduated from Polish Philology and Philosophy at the University in Wroclaw. He has completed entrepreneurship and history as a postgraduate study. He works as a certified teacher. Currently he is a doctoral candidate in cultural studies in the Department of Historical and Pedagogical Sciences at the University of Wroclaw. Cultural studies provide him with tools and competencies to analyse and understand systems of values and identity strategies in the modern world. He is busy with ethics, ontology and transcendental philosophy, as well and Polish philosophy in the 19th and 20th century. He is interested in ethics of business (Corporate Social Responsibility). Now, he prepares a second dissertation about global processes and their influence on the quality of interpersonal and dialogical relationships. Tutor-coach of the National project “Raise a wise man. The introduction of the model of educational work and rehabilitation using the method of school tutoring as prevention of problems in the Polish school” (November 2016 – December 2018). The project is funded by the Ministry of National Education.


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How to Cite

Brzozowski, T. T. (2017). Tutoring as an Alternative Method of Education. Entrepreneurship – Education, 13, 291–303. https://doi.org/10.24917/20833296.13.21

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