Will Economics in Practice be useful in practice?


  • Agnieszka Świętek Pedagogical University of Cracow, Institute of Geography




professional competence, school education, needs of employers, entrepreneurship, labor market


Preparing young people to participate in economic life, in particular, to enter the labor market, in addition to education, knowledge transfer and the development of skills, is one of the most important tasks of modern school. This preparation in Poland is carried out mainly in secondary schools by means of the subject Basics of Entrepreneurship, and according to the new curriculum, since the school year 2012/2013 on the new complementary subject Economics in Practice. The main objective of this paper is to assess the content of Economics in Practice in the context of the requirements of the employers towards young people entering the labor market and identified gaps in their preparation. To achieve this goal, the author begins the article from the analysis of the situation of young people in the labor market. Then, she presents the requirements and expectations of employers contained in three recent reports of PARP (Polish Agency for Enterprise Development), in which they point out the deficiencies of young people in relatingto cognitive skills, self-organization and interpersonal skills. The author compares it with the expectationsand knowledge of young people entering the labor market gained from the research conducted by graduatesin Cracow. According to these results, the author analyzes the content of the curriculum of Economicsin Practice and evaluate its response to the current demand on the labor market.

Author Biography

Agnieszka Świętek, Pedagogical University of Cracow, Institute of Geography

Agnieszka Świętek, MA, graduated from Pedagogical University of Cracow, MA degree in Geography,specialization in Entrepreneurship and Spatial Planning. She is an assistant at thePedagogical University of Cracow, the Institute of Geography.Agnieszka Świętek’s research interests focus on two different research themes: theeducation in the field of geography and entrepreneurship, in particular the process ofstarting up own business, young people entering the labor market and the quality oflife of the Roma people in Poland.


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How to Cite

Świętek, A. (2014). Will Economics in Practice be useful in practice?. Entrepreneurship – Education, 10, 378–391. https://doi.org/10.24917/20833296.10.29

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