Wpływ wielkości nakładów inwestycyjnych w sektorze B+R na regionalne zróżnicowanie tempa rozwoju Francji
https://doi.org/10.24917/20833296.5.17Słowa kluczowe:
nakłady, inwestycje, B R, regiony, rozwój, FrancjaAbstrakt
The following article refers to the relationship between the rate of economic development anda share of a section related to the services for companies in France. The text discusses twoproblems: the influence of the size of investment in innovation on the GDP growth in regionalsystem of France and the influence of the structure of expenditure in R&D section on theregional differentiation of development rate of France. The analysis is based on the value ofGDP per person employed and the size of investment in innovation in the years 1991-2004.The analysis of numeral data is based on statistical methods by means of correlation and timeseries. The analysis proves that there is a relationship between the investment in education andgrowth rate of GDP. According to OECD report, the influence of innovation on economicgrowth rate can be tenfold. Capital expenditures in innovation in higher education seem to bethe best investment influencing the GDP increase. It should be emphasized that all thementioned regularities are characterized by a large regional differentiation all over the FranceBibliografia
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