City 3.0 Model of Sharing Economy in the Smart City 3.0 Concept


  • Jacek Rudewicz Uniwersytet Szczeciński Instytut Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej Wydział Ekonomii Finansów i Zarządzania



city, development, services, sharing economy, smart city, urban studies


The aim of the article is to recognise the new opportunities for entrepreneurship and services development based on new technologies, application, Internet solutions, participatory culture of WEB 2.0 and to confront them with the Smart City concept. Due to the descriptive character of the article, the classification of these services will be presented together with the outline of their role in urban development, as well as the role in the implementation of the Smart City concept. The article touches upon the problem facing the city authorities and regulators, i.e. development of the sharing economy. It is a problem as due to its nature and the channels of market communication used by it, it remains beyond full control. It is also competitive for entrepreneurs operating in traditional organisational structures. Initially unnoticed, alternative services market based on Internet communication in many cases has spread and dominated traditional services, e.g. in city centres. The goals of the article is implemented through a review of literature and Internet reports - due to the specificity of the topic, the most current source of information. The content is supplemented with the author’s own observations.

Author Biography

Jacek Rudewicz, Uniwersytet Szczeciński Instytut Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej Wydział Ekonomii Finansów i Zarządzania

Jacek Rudewicz, PhD, Eng, University of Szczecin, Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management. He has graduated from Geography with a specialisation in socioeconomic geography. He also holds a degree in management and marketing and economics. He is an assistant professor in Regional and Urban Studies Unit. His PhD thesis was entitled “Sustainable development of the Polish major cities”. His research interests focus on wide urban studies, sustainable development, regional development, systems theory.


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How to Cite

Rudewicz, J. . (2019). City 3.0 Model of Sharing Economy in the Smart City 3.0 Concept. Entrepreneurship – Education, 15(2), 153–170.