Selected Problems of Ethnic Minorities Versus the Idea of Civic Society in European integration – Theoretical Considerations and Practice


  • Agnieszka Świętek Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie, Instytut Geografii
  • Wiktor Osuch Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie, Instytut Geografii



mniejszości narodowe, społeczeństwo obywatelskie, UE


This article presents a socioeconomic problems of national minorities in certain aspects of the processes of European integration. In European countries, as well as in Poland, the unemployment rate among ethnic minority groups is very high, compared to the general public. This problem affects particularly the Roma minority, because of cultural difference and the inability to find themselves in the current economic situation, which causes progressive social marginalization. High racist delinquency, as well as an increase in labor market discrimination against minorities, in various countries of the European Union, are not conducive to the processes of social and citizen integration of those groups. The reason, as well as the effect of such situation is the very low level of education of Roma, not only in Poland but also in other European countries.Authors reckon, that one of the conditions of informative society’s growth is necessity to support their enterprising posture. Following this thesis, the authors think, that supporting lower developed groups, which don’t keep up with actual tempo of economic growth is necessary to minimalize the socialeconomic marginalization of these groups and to limit social anxienties and clashes.Authors, on the example of Roma ethic minority group characterized the problems of these groups on work market, ways of fighting with them and showed the perspectives of progress of these groups in future by building enterprising postures. It seems that the measure of a progressive European social integration should be an appropriate relationship to national and ethnic minorities in EU member countries, free from social and occupational, and discrimination on labor market, which does not seem easy in a market economy based on knowledge.


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How to Cite

Świętek, A., & Osuch, W. (2010). Selected Problems of Ethnic Minorities Versus the Idea of Civic Society in European integration – Theoretical Considerations and Practice. Entrepreneurship – Education, 6, 532–542.

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