Entrepreneurship as a Factor in the Development of Camino de Santiago in Poland


  • Franciszek Mróz Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie Instytut Geografii Zakład Turystyki i Badań Regionalnych




Camino de Santiago, entrepreneurship, pilgrimages, religious tourism, Way of St. James


In 2003 the European network of Camino de Santiago - Way of St. James reached the border between Germany and Poland in Görlitz - Zgorzelec. In the following year, a group of fans of the Way of St. James in Poland started activities aimed at setting out and marking the first Polish sections of the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela. In the next years, many regions of Poland witnessed initiatives of marking new sections of the Way of St. James. The projects were finalised with an impressive number of 34 marked Polish sections of the Way of St. James which jointly made the network of Camino de Santiago of a length of more than 6,460 km. Selected sections of the Way of St. James in constitute the subject of research. Field studies were conducted during the years 2006-2017 in twelve Polish sections of Camino de Santiago. A length of more than 1,200 kilometres of the Route of St. James was examined (by walking). The objective of the research was to learn about transformations in the sector of tourism services which occurred on selected Polish sections of the Way of St. James and to analyse entrepreneurial activities undertaken both by local government authorities, tourism associations and organisations, Brotherhoods and Associations of St. James, and businesses in order to develop pilgrimage movements, religious tourism and cultural tourism on the analysed route. When presenting research results, mainly the descriptive and analytical method, cartographic presentations methods and statistical methods have been used. The conducted research has shown that the designing, setting out and marking of 34 Polish sections of Camino de Santiago is mainly the contribution of groups of fans of the Way of St. James, Camino pilgrims, members of the Brotherhoods of St. James and Associations of St. James, and priests. In the majority of cases, this was a “grassroots” initiative and an expression of social entrepreneurship of dozens of people. It was only at subsequent stages of the development of the Way of St. James in individual regions that local government authorities gradually joined “Camino” projects.

Author Biography

Franciszek Mróz, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie Instytut Geografii Zakład Turystyki i Badań Regionalnych

Franciszek Mróz, PhD, Socio-economic geographer born in 1975 in Przeworsk, an academic (assistant professor) at the Department of Tourism and Regional Research of the Institute of Geography at the Pedagogical University of Cracow. Lecturer at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow. Consultant in the Migration, Tourism and Pilgrimage Council of the Polish Episcopal Conference. Member of Archicofradía Universal del Apóstol Santiago. Instructor of Polish cultural and regional studies. His present research interests are concentrated on, for example, issues related to pilgrimages, religious and cultural tourism in Poland, origins and functioning of pilgrimage centres in Europe, and European cultural routes, especially Camino de Santiago – the Way of St. James. He is the author of more than 90 publications and more than 50 popular science publications from this field as well as an editor of 13 collaborative publications. Since 2008, he has been the co-organiser of annual international scientific conferences devoted to the history and functioning of the Way of St. James in Europe. He is also a happy husband and the father of three wonderful kids: Piotr (16), Michał (14) and Anna (9). He is interested in cultural and regional studies, photography and sports.


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How to Cite

Mróz, F. (2018). Entrepreneurship as a Factor in the Development of Camino de Santiago in Poland. Entrepreneurship – Education, 14, 292–312. https://doi.org/10.24917/20833296.14.22