Spatial differentiation of entrepreneurial potential in Podkarpacie region
benchmarking, entrepreneurial potential, entrepreneurship, Podkaprackie region, strategic analisysAbstract
The article presents the problem of diversity of entrepreneurial potential in the Podkarpacie regionbased on a strategic analysis, which determines the spatial diversity of the Podkarpacie region. First,it describes the purpose for which the regional policy is guided. Next, it presents the main reasonsfor the creation of spatial diversity, one of which is the focus of capital development centers. Further, it also describes the development and the potential of development, and how they affect theentrepreneurial potential. The benchmarking technique is presented in this article as the main methodof analysis The publication also includes a brief description of the Podkarpacie region. When identifying entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial potential the authors primarily focused on the regionaldimension in relation to economic systems at the level of three main groups on global, internal andexternal factors. This has been justification is provided demonstrating the selection methods analysis, benchmarking is quite cheap, quick and proven method. For the examination were selected basicindicators, presented in the article. After a careful analysis found a few some basic requests resultingfrom the study, one of them is lack strong growth center in the Podkarpacie region, causing the flowof mobile capital to the most attractive regions. The main cities that attract a large part of humancapital and entrepreneurial capital of the Podkarpackie province are Warsaw and Krakow.
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