Wartości moralne podstawą prawdziwego sukcesu menedżera


  • Maria M. Rachwał Małopolskie Forum Przedsiębiorczości
  • Tomasz Rachwał Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie, Instytut Geografii, Zakład Przedsiębiorczości i Gospodarki Przestrzennej



Słowa kluczowe:

moralność, etyka, sukces, menedżer


The goal of this text is to focus on the values that are the basis for the true success of a manager. Authors use purposefully the term „true success” because the word „success” - in relation to a manager or a company - is linked with financial success manifested itself as a growth of personal income and promotion or an increase company’s income and profit. Such a success is not satisfied and it often is unstable. True success is founded on moral values and achieved by skilled and courageous persons who also are honest and decent. Their goal is not only financial one, that justify using of immoral means, but they respect universal ethical values. Managers following the rules and achieving the true success feel fulfilled both in personal life and business, they see a sense of life, they know their priorities, and that is why they strike the balance between satisfied family life and personal happiness and the career.


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Jak cytować

Rachwał, M. M., & Rachwał, T. (2006). Wartości moralne podstawą prawdziwego sukcesu menedżera. Przedsiębiorczość - Edukacja, 2, 193–198. https://doi.org/10.24917/20833296.2.18

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