Development of sharing economy in Poland based on the example of carsharing services of Panek CarSharing S.A.


  • Marta Kawa Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Aleksandra Nesterowicz Uniwersytet Rzeszowski



business model, carsharing, resources, sharing economy


Sharing economy is a system whose idea is to share and use yet unused resources. The main idea of this model is to unlock unused assets or products in a sufficient way. As a result, the economy receives new financial or non-financial resources. The essence of sharing economy itself is not a new phenomenon in the world, however, when it comes to Polish economy it is only just beginning to be recognised and slowly implemented. Description of sharing economy can be best shown by creating a map of its features due to the fact that there is no definition accurately presenting this phenomenon. Trying to understand the ideas of this model in more detail, it can be said that sharing economy offers the possibility of a new option of doing business, which is based on the use of digital techniques to organise market exchange. The phenomenon itself does not force to depart from the assumptions of the market economy, but to enrich it, that is, a new possibility for the emergence of commodity-money relations. The considerations undertaken in this article are aimed to bring closer the essence of the concept, advantages and disadvantages of sharing economy and carsharing service based on the example of Panek S.A. company. Based on the observation and analysis it can be assumed that sharing economy is a concept aiming at reducing consumerism prevailing in the world and popularising the sharing economy.

Author Biographies

Marta Kawa, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski

Marta Kawa, PhD in Economics. Assistant professor at the University of Rzeszów, College of Social Sciences, Institute of Economics and Finance at the Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship. Author of numerous publications in the field of social economy and cooperatives. Academic interests include the evaluation of the activities of cooperative enterprises and social economy entities in Poland.

Aleksandra Nesterowicz, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski

Aleksandra Nesterowicz, 1st year student of Finance and Accounting at the 2nd degree (MA) studies, University of Rzeszów, College of Social Sciences, Institute of Economics and Finance, University of Rzeszów, College of Social Sciences, Institute of Economics and Finance.


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How to Cite

Kawa, M., & Nesterowicz, A. . (2022). Development of sharing economy in Poland based on the example of carsharing services of Panek CarSharing S.A. Entrepreneurship – Education, 18(1), 90–97.