Youths'’ Behaviors on the Current Labour Market in Poland


  • Krystian Sowislok II Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Zabrzu



młodzi, rynek pracy, zachowanie, Polska


Young people are becoming more and more active on the labour market these days. Thenumber of young adults who are studying and working at the same time is increasing. Thesestatements are confirmed by research done all over Poland and the survey conducted among the last year students of The Second Comprehensive School in Zabrze. Young people acquire their first job experience during their education, after completing grammar school course. They treat their careers very seriously in a planned and unhurried manner.They are conscious of the necessity of further education, especially mastering foreign languages and getting more skills and experience. A national research and my own survey come to theconclusion that young people seem to be performing better and better on the labour market andbecoming, in compliance with our intentions, more and more entrepreneurial.


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How to Cite

Sowislok, K. (2007). Youths’’ Behaviors on the Current Labour Market in Poland. Entrepreneurship – Education, 3, 162–171.

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