Knowledge and Skills in the Teaching Entrepreneurship


  • Krystian Sowislok II Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Zabrzu



wiedza, umiejętności, edukacja, przedsiębiorczość


Striving to completely explain the concept of entrepreneurship we have to look into the workof three fields of science: economics, sociology and psychology. Among the skills and qualitiesnecessary for an entrepreneur they name the following: readiness and ability to make decisions,creative approach to problem solving, courage, creativity, resourcefulness, persistence and wil-lingness to work. Therefore the teachers of entrepreneurship have to pass on to their studentsspecific knowledge and skills useful for their participation in social and economic life, as wellas encourage certain qualities and attitudes concerned with taking advantage of opportunitiesand openness to novelty under all circumstances, not necessarily as an entrepreneur. Choosingthe teaching methods, it is worth to get to know the opinions and expectations of your studentsconcerning the skills they consider important and necessary on the Polish job market. I havebeen looking into this issue with final year students for several years. It turns out that the pre-ferences of young people who are getting ready to enter the job market are changing and te-achers should react to this fact. One of the latest tendencies is to put more emphasis on gettingskills and later knowledge. Furthermore, students realize that even when they possess knowledge,they should also have the ability to make use of it.


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How to Cite

Sowislok, K. (2008). Knowledge and Skills in the Teaching Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship – Education, 4, 341–347.

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