The Role of Science-technological Parks in the Development of Small and Middle Enterprises


  • Aleksander Surdej Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Katedra Studiów Europejskich
  • Krzysztof Wach Krzysztof Wach, associate Professor (Prof. UEK) of the Cracow University of Economics (Poland). Habilitateddoctor of economics (DEcon), Ph.D. in management, specialist in international entrepreneurship.Author of several books and over 150 scientific articles, editor-in-chief of the scientific quarterly ‘EntrepreneurialBusiness and Economics Review’, member of editorial boards of several scientific journals,including the annual ‘Entrepreneurship – Education’; in the years 2012–2014 an OECD and the EuropeanCommission national expert for entrepreneurship, participant of various international education and researchprojects (e.g. Jean Monnet, Atlantis, International Visegrad Fund IVF, Central European InitiativeCEI), visiting professor in various American and European universities, including Grand Valley StateUniversity (Grand Rapids, USA), Roosevelt University (Chicago, USA), University of Detroit Mercy(Detroit, USA), Loyola University Chicago (Chicago, USA), Northumbria University (Newcastle, UK),University College London (UK), Technical University of Cartagena (Cartagena, Spain).



parki naukowo-technologiczne, MŚP


In the globalization era a technological growth is important for the development of the companies. The vital challenge is a commercialization of the science and technological achievements,  i.e.  transfer  the achievements  to  the market. The  transfer consists of passing on  thetechnological and managerial knowledge to be used in business. It is natural impulse for thedevelopment of innovational companies. Insufficient financial and human resources in smalland middle enterprises set the difficult to conquer barrier to conducting in-home research. Thecooperation between companies and universities especially engineering schools and publicor commercial research centers may help to resolve the problem. The aim of this article is thepresentation of the role of science-technological parks in the development of small and middleenterprises.

Author Biography

Krzysztof Wach, Krzysztof Wach, associate Professor (Prof. UEK) of the Cracow University of Economics (Poland). Habilitateddoctor of economics (DEcon), Ph.D. in management, specialist in international entrepreneurship.Author of several books and over 150 scientific articles, editor-in-chief of the scientific quarterly ‘EntrepreneurialBusiness and Economics Review’, member of editorial boards of several scientific journals,including the annual ‘Entrepreneurship – Education’; in the years 2012–2014 an OECD and the EuropeanCommission national expert for entrepreneurship, participant of various international education and researchprojects (e.g. Jean Monnet, Atlantis, International Visegrad Fund IVF, Central European InitiativeCEI), visiting professor in various American and European universities, including Grand Valley StateUniversity (Grand Rapids, USA), Roosevelt University (Chicago, USA), University of Detroit Mercy(Detroit, USA), Loyola University Chicago (Chicago, USA), Northumbria University (Newcastle, UK),University College London (UK), Technical University of Cartagena (Cartagena, Spain).

Krzysztof Wach, dr hab., prof. UEK, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Wydział Ekonomii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych, Katedra Przedsiębiorczości i Innowacji. Profesor nadzwyczajny Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie. Doktor habilitowany nauk ekonomicznych w zakresie ekonomii (przedsiębiorczość międzynarodowa), doktor nauk ekonomicznych w zakresie nauk o zarządzaniu (przedsiębiorczość strategiczna), specjalista z zakresu przedsiębiorczości międzynarodowej. Autor kilkunastu książek, ponad 150 publikacji naukowych, redaktor naczelny kwartalnika naukowego „Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review” (EBER), członek komitetów redakcyjnych kilku czasopism naukowych, w tym rocznika „Przedsiębiorczość–Edukacja”. W latach 2012–2014 pełnił funkcję krajowego eksperta Organizacji Współpracy Gospodarczej i Rozwoju (OECD) oraz eksperta Komisji Europejskiej ds. przedsiębiorczości. Jest uczestnikiem międzynarodowych projektów edukacyjnych i badawczych ( Jean Monnet, Atlantis, International Visegrad Fund, Central European Initiative). Wygłaszał gościnne wykłady w Grand Valley State University (Grand Rapids, USA), Roosevelt University (Chicago, USA), University of Detroit Mercy (Detroit, USA), Loyola University Chicago (Chicago, USA), Northumbria University (Newcastle, UK), Univercity College London (UK), Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (Kartagena, Hiszpania).


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How to Cite

Surdej, A., & Wach, K. (2008). The Role of Science-technological Parks in the Development of Small and Middle Enterprises. Entrepreneurship – Education, 4, 75–81.

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