Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Information Society or Information Society for Entrepreneurship and Innovation?


  • Krystian Sowislok II Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Zabrzu




społeczeństwo informacyjne, przedsiębiorczość, innowacyjność


The development of information society has become one of the main tasks undertaken by bothnational and local authorities as well as by institutions responsible for the development of entrepreneurship. Relevant projects are financed by the European Union. Prime Minister DonaldTusk mentioned this subject in his expose and emphasized the importance of knowledge andinformation society in the economic development of Poland. For us, teachers, it is important to know how can we help to increase the entrepreneurshipof young people, and encourage them and provide with opportunities to use moderntechnologies. Information technology in the education should not be limited to IT classes inthe computer lab. The Internet resources can be used for all classes, especially entrepreneurshipclasses. More attention should be paid to skills essential when our students looking for a joband when they decide to start their own businesses. This paper comprises reflections on implementation of information technology in the task of developing the youth’s entrepreneurshipand an attempt on answering the question from the title.


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How to Cite

Sowislok, K. (2009). Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Information Society or Information Society for Entrepreneurship and Innovation?. Entrepreneurship – Education, 5, 83–85. https://doi.org/10.24917/20833296.5.7