Tourism as an Incentive to Economic Growth in Croatia


  • Renata Rettinger Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie, Instytut Geografii



turystyka, aktywacja gospodarcza, Chorwacja


Tourism is an important means of income transfer from wealthy countries to less affluent ones, which diminishes differences in development levels between the two regions. By satisfying the various needs and boosting socioeconomic development, tourism directly and indirectly influences the levels of GDP. In Croatia, tourism contributes a significant 15.7% of the country’s GDP. Croatia has rather a wide range of accommodation with a total capacity of approx. 950.000 beds in hotels (12%), holiday homes (6%), campsites (23%) and private accommodation (44%). The latter, typical for Croatia, is linked to the common practice of owning weekend houses. The largest numbers of international tourists stay in Istria (nearly 25%) and PrimorjeGorski Kotar (20%). Relatively high percentages of visitors from abroad are also present in the counties of SplitDalmatia (15.5 %), Zadar (9.8%), DubrovnikNeretva (8.8%) and SibenikKnin (7.5%). Thanks to its natural and cultural attractions, Croatia has become an important tourist region in Europe. In 2008 it was visited by 11.26 mln tourists, mostly from Germany, Italy and Slovenia.


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How to Cite

Rettinger, R. (2010). Tourism as an Incentive to Economic Growth in Croatia. Entrepreneurship – Education, 6, 450–461.