The Role of Zabrze Centre for Supporting Entrepreneurship in Developing Local Entrepreneurship


  • Krystian Sowislok Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących Nr 5 w Zabrzu



business activities, entrepreneurship development, local business, Global Entrepreneurship Week


According to the research and the available data, compared to other members of the European Union, the Poles are considered to be an enterprising nation. In Europe there are more enterprises only in such big countries as Spain, Italy, Germany, France or Great Britain; however if we compare the ratio for 1000 inhabitants, we are ahead of Germany, France and Great Britain. In order for the entrepreneurship to be taken advantage of, a so called friendly environment must be created, both for those already in business as well as those starting business activity. The local authorities in Zabrze have decided to try out a non-standard solution concerning the service of businessmen and people interested in setting up their own enterprise. On January 1st 2013 the Zabrze Centre for Development of Entrepreneurship was created as a department of the City Hall, which deals with registering economic entities, counseling, training and educating the youth about entrepreneurship. Thanks to the partner agreements with the Social Security Institution, local Job Centre and Tax Office the conditions have been created to make it possible to complete all the procedures connected with running a business or registering a new one as soon as possible and under one roof. The activities are aimed at: . making the Zabrze economy more competitive due to the development of SMEs, . supporting the economic activity of local businesses, . propagation of the idea of opening individual businesses, . supporting development of innovative companies. How has the serving of the prospective entrepreneurs changed? Are the above mentioned procedures sufficient enough to make use of the Poles enterprising spirit in Poland? What activities developing an enterprising attitude, also among young people, are organized by the Zabrze Centre for Development of Entrepreneurship? After two and a half years of the Center’s existence an attempt at answering these questions and the first assessment of the local authorities endeavors in Zabrze might be ventured.

Author Biography

Krystian Sowislok, Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących Nr 5 w Zabrzu

Krystian Sowislok, MEng, a teacher of entrepreneurship at the Secondary School No. 5, Zabrze, graduated from the Academy of Military Engineering in Wrocław, MA in Political Science, specializing in Public Administration at the Pedagogical University in Cracow; post-graduate studies, including Management in Education and Entrepreneurship Didactics at the Economic University in Katowice. His interests include especially research into enterprising attitude in young people and development of entrepreneurship on the local level.


Chaber, P. (2015, 14 września). Raport Doing Business 2015: Polska na 32 miejscu pod względem przyjaznego otoczeniu dla przedsiębiorczości. Pozyskano z: http://www

Doing Business w Polsce 2015. (2015). Washington, DC: World Bank.

Hurkała, T. (2015, 13 września).Jesteśmy przedsiębiorczy z natury i z konieczności. Pozyskano z:

Sprawozdanie Zabrzańskiego Centrum Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości, 2014.Zabrzańskie Centrum Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości. (2015, 10 września).

Fotografie. Pozyskano z:



How to Cite

Sowislok, K. (2016). The Role of Zabrze Centre for Supporting Entrepreneurship in Developing Local Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship – Education, 12, 123–133.