“Entrepreneurial region” – an outline of the concept in the light of an analysis of the role of entrepreneurship in the national strategy of regional development


  • Monika Płaziak Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie, Instytut Geografii, Zakład Przedsiębiorczości i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
  • Tomasz Rachwał Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie, Instytut Geografii, Zakład Przedsiębiorczości i Gospodarki Przestrzennej




entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial region, national strategy of regional development, Poland, regional development


Development of entrepreneurial attitudes in the society and entrepreneurship as an expressionof activity of entrepreneurs and managers of companies is considered as a particularly importantfactor of the socio-economic development of regions, particularly in countries, which transform their economies. Entrepreneurship plays its role mostly in accelerating the economic growth, generating pulses to the structural transformation of regional economy and alleviating the consequences of structural unemployment through self-employment of the unemployed. In this context, it is important to ask about the place of entrepreneurship in regional development strategies. The subject of the article is to present the results of analysis of the Polish National Strategy of Regional Development2010−2020: Regions, Cities, Rural Areas with respect of having provisions related to entrepreneurshipas an important factor stimulating the regional development. Against the backgroundof results of the analysis, the authors attempted to outline the concept of “entrepreneurial region”.

Author Biographies

Monika Płaziak, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie, Instytut Geografii, Zakład Przedsiębiorczości i Gospodarki Przestrzennej

Monika Płaziak, PhD, Pedagogical University of Cracow, Institute of Geography, Department of Entrepreneurshipand Spatial Management. Her research interests concern issues ofthe spatial development in the context of location factors of enterprises, especially– a personal factor. Monika Płaziak’s research works also refer to issues of thecooperation of scientific and research-developmental organizations with the sectorof small and medium-sized enterprises, especially within the area of implementingnew technologies and materials concerning the energy-efficient and passive building.Furthermore, she analyses issues of the level and quality of life, with particularreference to small and medium-sized towns in Poland, and post socialist towns aswell as the role of entrepreneurship in the development of regional and local spatialsystems.

Tomasz Rachwał, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie, Instytut Geografii, Zakład Przedsiębiorczości i Gospodarki Przestrzennej

Tomasz Rachwał, PhD, Pedagogical University of Cracow, Institute of Geography, Department of Entrepreneurshipand Spatial Management. A member of the National Council for Entrepreneurship.A head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Spatial Managementof Institute of Geography of the Pedagogical University of Cracow, a ScientificSecretary of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society,A Deputy Editor in Chief of the following journals: Entrepreneurship – Education,Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society,Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studies Geographica, and a memberof the editorial board of Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review. Theauthor or co-author of school and academic textbooks on economic geography andentrepreneurship. His research interests focus primarily on the issue of change of spatialstructures of industry, the functioning of various branches of industrial activity,corporate restructuring and the role of entrepreneurship in the development of spatialsystems as well as entrepreneurship education.


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How to Cite

Płaziak, M., & Rachwał, T. (2015). “Entrepreneurial region” – an outline of the concept in the light of an analysis of the role of entrepreneurship in the national strategy of regional development. Entrepreneurship – Education, 11, 37–49. https://doi.org/10.24917/20833296.11.3

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