The Process of Globalization. Evaluation of Positive and Negative Results of Globalization by the Polish Youth


  • Krystian Sowislok II Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Zabrzu



globalizacja, skutki, młodzi, Polska


What is globalization? What does this term mean to young people? Is the dictionary definition of th is term meaningful to them; is schoolbook information on this issue thorough and precise? What are positive results of globalization and does the youth notice any negative results of globalization in Poland and worldwide? How can they support or counteract this process? Second and third grade secondary school students were asked these and similar questions connected with globalization. As a teacher of Entrepreneurship I have always emphasized my interest in opinions and attitudes of young people. Taking into consideration the young age of the surveyed, I decided that posing questions directly connected to this year conference and teachers’ meetings title, that is entrepreneurship in the context of globalization, would be premature. I would like to present the results of the survey conducted among the students of the school I work in and their opinions on the process as well as results of globalization in this year conference sessions.


Kolka M.A., 2007, Korporacje transnarodowe-ich znaczenie w erze globalizacji, Wydawnictwo Instytutu Prognoz i Analiz,

Stępkowicz W., 2007, Globalizacja gospodarki – wybrane cechy procesu, Ministerstwo Gospodarki, Departament Analiz i Prognoz, Warszawa.

Schechner R., 2007, Performatyka: Wstęp, Kubikowski T. (przekł.), Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego, Wrocław.



How to Cite

Sowislok, K. (2011). The Process of Globalization. Evaluation of Positive and Negative Results of Globalization by the Polish Youth. Entrepreneurship – Education, 7, 383–390.