Entrepreneurship in post-secondary schools based on the example of the 2 nd Upper Secondary School in Zabrze


  • Krystian Sowislok II Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Zabrzu




Przedsiębiorczość, szkoła ponadgimnazjalna, edukacja


It has been ten years since the business studies subject was introduced into the Core Curriculum of post-secondary  schools in Poland. In 2005 and 2006 I was conducting research among students of the 2nd Upper Secondary School in Zabrze. The aim of this research was to learn about their views regarding the most important tasks of school resulting from the Core Curriculum of this subject; the most interesting information and skills acquired during the business studies and validity of introduction this subject into the post-secondary schools. Next, I will compare the results of these studies with the ones conducted this year among the present students of the 2nd Upper Secondary School, as well as with the opinions of this school’s graduates with whom I’m in contact through the social networking sites. Therefore it will be also possible to compare certain expectations of these young people with the reality of life outside the school environment.


Osuch E., Osuch W., 2005, Przedmiot podstawy przedsiębiorczości w opinii uczniów i rodziców na przykładzie wybranych krakowskich szkół [w:] Przedsiębiorczość a współczesne wyzwania cywilizacyjne, Z. Zioło, T. Rachwał (red.), „Przedsiębiorczość – Edukacja”, nr 1, Zakład Przedsiębiorczości i Gospodarki Przestrzennej Instytutu Geografii Akademii Pedagogicznej im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie, Wydawnictwo „MiWa”, Kraków.



How to Cite

Sowislok, K. (2012). Entrepreneurship in post-secondary schools based on the example of the 2 nd Upper Secondary School in Zabrze. Entrepreneurship – Education, 8, 57–63. https://doi.org/10.24917/20833296.8.5