Development of Mobile Payment Services in Small and Medium Enterprises


  • Paulina Filip Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Kolegium Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Ekonomii i Finansów, Katedra Finansów i Rachunkowości



development, determinants, mobile payments, SME enterprises


The aim of the study was to determine the reasons for implementing non-cash payment services in small and medium enterprises, with focus on mobile payments. The basis of the study were secondary and primary data. Data were obtained from the reports of the National Bank of Poland, Polish Financial Authority, Central Statistical Office, payment card systems. The research period covered the years 2015-2019. In order to examine SME enterprises decisions regarding the introduction of mobile payment methods carried out were surveys inspired by the technology acceptance theory model. As the analysis showed more entrepreneurs notice the growing market demand for mobile payments and changes in surrounding environment. Customers’ interest in this form of payment were of great importance. The changes are due to the awareness of entrepreneurs of the need to change business strategies. Enterprises that implemented mobile payments treated these activities as increasing their competitive position. The rank of these factors were high in the hierarchy of grades obtained. The greater activity in the implementation of mobile payments occurs in medium-sized enterprises. For small businesses the element stimulating openness to changes is the customers’ withdrawing from making purchases. The location of business activity correlated with the number of potential customers positively stimulates the active approach of entrepreneurs to modern forms of payment and the increased acceptance of these payments.

Author Biography

Paulina Filip, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Kolegium Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Ekonomii i Finansów, Katedra Finansów i Rachunkowości

Paulina Filip, PhD. She is an assistant professor in the Department of Finance and Accounting in the Institute of Economics and Finance at the University of Rzeszów. For years, she has been studying changes in Polish small and medium-sized enterprises at the local and global level. Her research focuses on modern forms of financing Polish enterprises, changes in the allocation of available resources, especially financial capital, as well as research on the profitability of conducted activities to improve business efficiency.


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How to Cite

Filip, P. . (2020). Development of Mobile Payment Services in Small and Medium Enterprises. Entrepreneurship – Education, 16(1), 326–338.