Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Activities and Organisation of Startup Incubation Processes based on “Start in Podkarpackie” Platform


  • Marta Czyżewska Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie, Instytut Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii, Katedra Ekonomii i Polityki Gospodarczej




entrepreneurship support, innovative entrepreneurship, Starting Platforms, startup incubation


The Starting Platform Program is one of the leading EU programs to support innovative entrepreneurship dedicated for Eastern Poland. After the pilot phase, the main phase of the Program is implemented. Startups can obtain incubation support from one of six Platforms, followed by a grant of 1 million PLN for the implementation of an innovative business venture. The purpose of the article is to evaluate the effectiveness of activities and the organisation of startup incubation processes carried out on the basis of one of the Starting Platforms - “Start in Podkarpackie” - a model solution in the organisation of startup support processes in the so-called incubation. A research hypothesis has been defined that startup incubation processes implemented in the model designed in Starting Platforms are not a very effective way of supporting the development of innovative ventures. The hypothesis was verified on the basis of a model analysis of the organisation of these processes illustrated by the example of the “Start in Podkarpackie” Platform. The case study (of an exploratory nature) focused on assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of Starting Platforms and used the method of interviewing incubation managers responsible for incubation processes of startups in the Program. Conclusions and recommendations can be used to improve the incubation support processes in the mechanisms of planned public startup incubation programs.

Author Biography

Marta Czyżewska, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie, Instytut Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii, Katedra Ekonomii i Polityki Gospodarczej

Marta Czyżewska, PhD in economics in the field of economics, assistant professor in the Department of Economics and Economic Policy, Institute of Law, Administration and Economics at the Pedagogical University of Krakow. Her research focuses recently on determinants of innovativeness and entrepreneurship as key factors underlying economies development. Author and co-author of articles and books on startups, venture capital, innovativeness and entrepreneurship.


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How to Cite

Czyżewska, M. . (2020). Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Activities and Organisation of Startup Incubation Processes based on “Start in Podkarpackie” Platform. Entrepreneurship – Education, 16(1), 311–325. https://doi.org/10.24917/20833296.161.25