Entrepreneurial education for social responsibility


  • Agnieszka Żur Cracow University of Economics, Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation




education, entrepreneurship, social responsibility


Over the last decades entrepreneurship education has become a vital area of research, classroom practice and policy regulations. Modern practice-based approaches to entrepreneurship education reveal a shift from passive forms of teaching and learning focused on knowledge acquisition towards active, engaging, inclusive and holistic forms, focused rather on postures and skills. The primary goalof this article is to address the problem of shaping postures and attitudes associated with social responsibility within entrepreneurship education. The article introduces the need for socially aware entrepreneurship education, outlines the numerous benefits related to socially responsible entrepreneurship postures to both individual students and society at large. This paper analyses the frameworksof entrepreneurship education by reviewing articles published in this field and draws conclusionsin the form of suggested approaches to applied pedagogy.

Author Biography

Agnieszka Żur, Cracow University of Economics, Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Agnieszka Żur, PhD in management (corporate entrepreneurship). A graduate and later employeeof Cracow University of Economics. The author of publications on corporate entrepreneurshipand social entrepreneurship. Current research areas include: social entrepreneurship,teaching methodology, socially engaged teaching and learning. Extensive experiencein entrepreneurship and management teaching. The certified trainer and academicOxCam tutor. The member of Academy of Management since 2010. A guest lecturerfor Grand Valley State University (Grand Rapids, USA), Western Michigan University(Kalamazoo, USA), Durham University and Luton University (Great Britain), SodertornUniversity (Stockholm, Sweden).


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How to Cite

Żur, A. (2014). Entrepreneurial education for social responsibility. Entrepreneurship – Education, 10, 346–353. https://doi.org/10.24917/20833296.10.26