Tourist function as an element of the competitiveness of Szczyrk (Poland) during the COVID-19 pandemic




competitiveness, tourism, COVID-19 pandemic crisis, entrepreneurship, development of Szczyrk, epidemiological situation


The aim of the article was to evaluate the tourist function as a competitive factor of Szczyrk (Poland). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism sector was also investigated. In order to achieve the goal, an analysis of Polish and foreign literature was carried out, including statistical data. The considerations were supplemented with own research, in which the author’s questionnaire and expert interviews were used. The research was of a pilot nature and was carried out in Szczyrk and its vicinity. The main conclusion of the article is: the tourist function has a significant impact on the competitiveness of Szczyrk, at the same time the current epidemiological situation in the world shows that due to unforeseen events, the tourism industry may be endangered. Thus, it poses a real threat to Szczyrk, which may turn from a competitive town into an unattractive tourist destination in one day.

Author Biographies

Martyna Cader

Martyna Cader, a graduate of Spatial Planning at the University of Agriculture in Krakow. Her research interests include issues related to competitiveness, local development and social research. She works in the industry dealing with, among others, records and inspections of roads and bridges in local government units in the country, as an assistant for data processing

Julia Gorzelany, Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie, Katedra Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Architektury Krajobrazu

Julia Gorzelany, PhD in economics, with a specialty in management sciences. She is a certified Strengths Community Coach and holds an international ACC ICF accreditation, is also a business coach with an international IES London certificate. Her research resulted in over 50 academic papers. Research interests: organisation management, economic and social factors in land management, regional development and competitiveness, soft skills.


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How to Cite

Cader, M., & Gorzelany, J. (2021). Tourist function as an element of the competitiveness of Szczyrk (Poland) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Entrepreneurship – Education, 17(2), 105–120.