Digital transformation of an entrepreneurial university




digital transformation, entrepreneurial university, HEI, technological dimension


Digital transformation has radically changed the way all institutions and organisations, including universities, operate in terms of communication and how they function. In the concept of an entrepreneurial university, the dimension of “digital transformation and technological potential” is an important criterion for shaping the entrepreneurial micro-ecosystem. Higher education institutions (HEI) use digital technologies, however the degree of use and integration of technology in institutions, and even units within one institution, varies. Due to the external (epidemic) threat, digital educational platforms made it possible to conduct classes and study in a new, safe and completely remote formula. In the future, the possessed and developed technological potential will influence the formation of a new generation - through a “smart university” and ultimately a “university in the cloud”. The subject of the article is the evaluation of an entrepreneurial university (Cracow University of Economics) in the technological dimension (both digital transformation, technological potential and IT teaching techniques). The evaluation is based on the results of quantitative research carried out using the self-assessment tool (HEInnovate surveys) and qualitative research conducted in 2019 and 2020 in the form of questionnaires with open questions. The results of the research indicate a good assessment of the university’s entrepreneurship and its potential in the analysed dimension.

Author Biographies

Izabela Czaja, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie

Izabela Czaja, PhD, Cracow University of Economics, Faculty of Economics and International Relations, Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. PhD in Economics. Scientific and research interests include areas related to the subject of economic activity, such as: entrepreneurship, evolutionary economics, microeconomics, legal and tax conditions for running a business, modelling the development of a small and medium-sized company, innovation, international economic relations, private sector development dynamics, SME sector in Poland and in the world.

Tomasz Kafel, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie

Tomasz Kafel, associate professor, Cracow University of Economics, Department of Organization and Management Methods. His research interests focus on the area of non-profit organisation management and strategic management, methods of creative thinking and methodology of organisation and management.


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How to Cite

Czaja, I., & Kafel, T. (2021). Digital transformation of an entrepreneurial university. Entrepreneurship – Education, 17(2), 151–163.