Practical Education at Universities in the Opinion of Students of Social Economy


  • Paulina Szyja Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej Instytut Prawa Administracji i Ekonomii
  • Wojciech Maciejewski Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej Instytut Prawa Administracji i Ekonomii



dual studies, practical training, social economy


The article presents a students’ assessment of the practical dimension of Social Economy as a field of study. To conduct the research, legal aspects describing the practical dimension of education were presented and social economy students were asked about the practical dimension of studying. Respondents answered questions related to the evaluation of the study programme, their involvement in undertaking non-learning activities, and they were also asked for recommendation for practical education. Complementing the research were questions related to their expectations for the chosen studies, general satisfaction and determining the feeling of their level of knowledge compared to the beginning of studies. The respondents indicated a low number of practical subjects and an insufficient number of economic subjects as the most significant shortcomings in the study program. 38.3% of respondents were also unable to determine the satisfaction of expectations regarding the choice of Social Economy as a field of study. The vast majority described their state of knowledge to be higher than before the start of studies. Research suggests that more emphasis should be placed on practical training and increasing the number of study visits. However, apart from work, they do not undertake individual initiative in gaining practical experience as only a small percentage of them engage in volunteering and activities in scientific circle; also a tiny number postulates an increase in the number of internships.

Author Biographies

Paulina Szyja, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej Instytut Prawa Administracji i Ekonomii

Paulina Szyja, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Economics and Economic Policy of the Pedagogical University of Krakow.

Wojciech Maciejewski, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej Instytut Prawa Administracji i Ekonomii

Wojciech Maciejewski, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Economics and Economic Policy of the Pedagogical University of Krakow. Member of the board of the Naooka Association. His research interests concern the areas of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial features, decision issues and factors affecting the success of business ventures.


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How to Cite

Szyja, P. ., & Maciejewski, W. . (2020). Practical Education at Universities in the Opinion of Students of Social Economy. Entrepreneurship – Education, 16(2), 128–140.