Niche Choices of Women Entering the Social Economy


  • Ewa Ryłko Fundacja Biuro Inicjatyw Społecznych



labour market niche, market niche, women in social economy


The aim of the article is to determine the motivations and professional plans of women from Małopolska who enter the field of social economy in the conditions of contemporary economic and social changes in Poland. The basic research question focused on what are the women entering the social economy looking for according to their professional development and on their own offer that they plan to create in social economy. Qualitative research was carried out on women who set up NGOs or act for the benefit of local communities as part of the support program of the Social Economy Support Center in Krakow. In-depth interviews were conducted on a sample of 25 women from Krakow. The respondents find work in special, atypical positions. By acting in the social economy, they create a unique response to the needs of their recipients and their individual needs. They create niche jobs for themselves, and at the same time create a niche offer for their recipients, which are most often local communities.

Author Biography

Ewa Ryłko, Fundacja Biuro Inicjatyw Społecznych

Ewa Ryłko, MA, PhD student, AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Management, researcher at the Małopolska Social Economy Support Center, run by the Foundation for Social Initiatives in Krakow. The author deals with the issues of management in the context of gender, the issue of reconciliation of work and family life, and social economy.


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How to Cite

Ryłko, E. . (2020). Niche Choices of Women Entering the Social Economy. Entrepreneurship – Education, 16(1), 381–387.